Coach and Manager Corner


The Coach and Manager Corner is dedicated to all the coaches and managers who volunteer their time and energy to RGFPSL program. Our goal is to help you succeed in your efforts to teach the game of fastpitch softball to your players and provide them with a positive environment in which to play the game. The information provided on this page is just a small part of the instructional and support materials available to you. Contact your division representative or any other softball board member to find out more.

Code of Conduct

Our players, parents and others involved with the RGFPSL have a right to expect our volunteers to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects well on our organization and all who participate. Our Coaching Staff Code of Conduct
 reflects those high expectations.

It is the duty of the coaching staff to ensure all parents have signed the Parent and Spectators Code of Conduct. This documents embodies the league's philosophy.

The duties of the coaches and managers are many but the memories built during that season of softball will last a lifetime. Here is a list of manager's duties. Please direct any questions to your division reps - they are here to help!


Practice Organization

It's very important to run a well-organized, productive practice. Practice organization is the key to your success. Before your team hits the field, you must have a good idea of how you want to run your practice and the skills you want to cover. You only have the girls for a short period of time. Get the most out of that time by preparing a practice plan and getting volunteers to help you run the drills that will sharpen your players' skills. Remember to Keep It Positive!
Click here for example practice plans and a practice plan template.

Here are some additional practice plans for various age groups. Elite Athlete Consulting is another source for practice ideas.

This is a lineup template. The best way to use it is to enter your lineup first then use the drop downs to set defensive positions for each inning. This is a good tool to preplan a lineup to ensure every player gets some infield and outfield time as well as make it easier to position kids every inning without scrambling.


The best way to keep players excited about coming to practice is to change what you do from one practice to the next. Create excitement with some games that are fun, but also help teach the fundamentals they will need to execute in a game.
For some ideas on how to keep things fun and educational for the girls check out Elite Athlete Consulting.

And don't forget to check out YouTube for some great videos on drills!
Here is a video link to pass on to your Scorekeeping parents about the finer points of keeping score.
Scorekeeping Video

Field Prep

Don't forget the ABC's of how to prep a field. If you have a parent(s) helping you to do this, please pass on the information to them. Click on the links for tips on field prep and field maintenance.  You can also find helpful information here.  


2023 Scorekeepers Clinic TBA.  See Calendar for details.

2023 Player Evaluations January 22nd Kathy Lund Field Time TBD.

2023 Umpire Clinics - January 29th. For further info click on the link to the Umpire's Page.
2023 Field Work Party - TBA. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend. Please emphasize the importance of helping to your teams!