Rideshare Requests

Ride Share Request Forms Process

  1. Submission Deadline:
    Ride Share Request Forms must be submitted before the league draft. Any requests submitted after the draft will not be approved under any circumstances.

  2. Review Process:

    • Once submitted, the league’s board carefully reviews each Ride Share Request.
    • This process takes into account multiple factors to ensure fairness and compliance with league policies.
    • The league treats these requests with the utmost seriousness to balance the needs of participants and the integrity of the league structure.
  3. Outcome:

    • Approved requests will be accommodated within the constraints of the league’s guidelines.
    • Late submissions (after the draft) are not considered to maintain consistency and fairness.

By adhering to these guidelines, RGFPSL ensures that Ride Share Requests are handled efficiently and equitably.

Player 1 - First and Last Name
Player 2 - First and Last Name
Age Division
Is player 1 a pitcher?
Is player 2 a pitcher?
Is player 1 a catcher?
Is player 2 a catcher?
Is player 1 a select player?
Is player 2 a select player?
Has player 1 played All Stars?
Has player 2 played All Stars?
Reason for request
Contact First and Last Name
Contact email
Contact phone number
Required Fields